12 Epiphany

Mass Readings
Reading 1 – Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm – Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
Reading 2 – Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6
Gospel – Matthew 2:1-12


Today we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. In today’s Gospel according to Matthew, the magi arrive from the east. They’re following a star and they want to pay homage to the newborn king of the Jews. So they go, of course, to the current king of the Jews to ask where they can find the newborn king. Surely he must know. Herod, who the Gospel tells us is greatly troubled, assembles the chief priests and the scribes and asks them where the Christ is to be born. They tell him that according to prophecy, he will be born in Bethlehem of Judea. Later, Herod secretly calls the magi back and he asked them to go find the child and send word to him so that he too might pay him homage.
So, the magi leave Herod and follow the star to a house and on entering the house Scripture says they find the child with Mary his mother. They prostrate themselves and they offered their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Later having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they leave by another way.

We don’t read the Gospel simply to reflect on history or engage in some sort of theatrical reenactment. No, the Gospel has a message for us, that’s clear.

There are three different reactions to the birth of Jesus. First, we have the reaction of the magi who are on a journey to find the Messiah. Second, there are the chief priests and scribes who are indifferent to the birth. Third, there is Herod who is consumed by hatred because of Jesus. Let’s explore each of these briefly.

The magi clearly are not Jewish, or they would have known the prophecy and they never would have approached Herod. But they are drawn to the star and set out on a journey to find the Messiah.

Then there are the scribes and chief priests. They have been praying for the Messiah, and now that there’s a rumor that he’s born, they do nothing. They’re completely indifferent.

Finally, there’s Herod who clearly is bothered at the suggestion that a rival has been born. Scripture will tell us later about his character, but we know that he orders the murder of male children as he tries to hunt down Jesus. He murdered his mother-in-law, wife, two brothers-in-law and three children on suspicion that they plotted against him.

“Ok, but what does all this have to do with me?” you might ask.

Let’s take the chief priests and scribes. Unfortunately, there are people who claim to be Christian, who look like Christians, but who are actually indifferent to their faith. Pope Francis calls these sorts of Christians hypocrites because they might spend a lot of time in church bowing and praying and beating their chests, but their lives don’t manifest any real change. Outside of church when they drop their act of piety, they could be mean, cruel, ugly, people are completely indifferent to the thoughts and feelings of those around them.

Then there are the people we encounter who are hostile to the faith, but this hostility could be subtle. It could be in the form of a government or business policy that says you can’t talk about Christ or you can’t put up Christmas decorations or you can’t wear Christian jewelry. Then there are the people who like magi are on a spiritual journey.

The great challenge of today’s Gospel is who do you want to be? Are you hostile to the faith – do you try to suppress those around you? Are you indifferent to the faith? Are you Christian in name only, simply going through the motions? Or are you a disciple who like the magi are on a spiritual journey?

What’s a disciple? First, a disciple accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Second, a disciple wants to grow in their love for Jesus. When you fall in love with someone, you want to learn everything about that person, right? Well, a disciple wants to grow in their faith and tries to learn more about Jesus. Finally, a disciple is someone who goes out and spreads the Good News. Jesus Christ has come into the world; he suffered and died on the cross, and by His blood we are cleansed us of our sins and He offers us salvation. That’s a message worth sharing!

So this great feast of epiphany should be an epiphany for each of us – a manifestation when we want to recommit to having an encounter with Jesus Christ; an encounter that leads to transformation. Let my prayer be, “Please, Lord, transform me. Help me to be a different person. And give me the courage and the words to share the Good News of Jesus with everyone that I encounter.”

Homework, nourished by the Eucharist and the Word of God proclaimed, ask yourself:

  1. Who do I want to be like: a chief priest; Herod; or a magi?
  2. As this new year begins, what are some things I am willing to do to develop my faith this year? Can I attend mass regularly – perhaps even a daily mass? Could I go to confession once a month? Could I participate in a Bible study or some other faith formation program offered at my parish or through a reputable online source in communion with the Holy See?

I think if we do our homework, we can better develop into magi – into better disciples of Jesus Christ. May each of us come to know the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. +Amen!

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