
Updated. Hola! Welcome to my site!  My name is Deacon Rudy. I live in Switzerland with my beautiful bride and two of my children. I am a fairly ordinary man living a typical, over-committed, ever-too-busy life. I tend to spend an inordinate amount of my free time doing what some might call daydreaming, but I prefer to call it creating.

About This Project

This site is not about me. My bride suggested that I start writing to help me process and express my ideas. I suspect she is tired of listening to me prattle on about socio-religio-political topics. After a great amount of hesitation and a healthy measure of trepidation, I decided to give it a try. This is a personal blog.  I am hopeful that this project will stimulate my mind and my faith life.

While I do not intend to develop a full creedal statement here, in the interest of full disclosure, here are some facts about me which will undoubtedly influence my writing. I’ve spent most of my career in government human services with a sprinkling of private sector companies that work for the government in human services, a few exceptions notwithstanding.

I have a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in theology, both from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio. 

I am ordained deacon of the Roman Catholic faith tradition for the Diocese of Austin, Texas, but currently living in Switzerland for work. I am currently on a leave of absence while we sort out how I may serve the good people of Switzerland.

It is my sincere desire to emulate Mary our Mother in the humble service of God. Some of my older homilies are available at my parish in Texas and can be accessed here: 
https://sjvroundrock.org/homilies. I encourage you to check out all of our clergy’s homilies.

I am also increasingly interested in studying that place where all the facets of life intersect – the public square. In this blog and podcast, I intend to share my reflections on life, politics, religion and culture. I invite you to join me on this journey into the blogosphere. I am not sure where it will lead, but I for one intend to enjoy the ride.

I’d love your input! Am I on the right track? Is there something you’d like for me to address? Please use the “Contact Us” form to send me your thoughts and suggestions.


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