10 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mass Readings

Fourth Sunday of Advent
Reading 1 – Michah 5:1-4A
Psalm – Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Reading 2 – Hebrews 10:5-10
Gospel – Luke 1:39:45

Can you believe it’s already Christmas? Whew! Time has raced by so quickly I can hardly believe it!

I find that there’s always so much to do around this time of year that I often find it difficult to focus on the preparation we should be doing during Advent. I even found myself questioning whether we really had time to attend our parish penance service and mass last night. I’m so glad we went!

You know, there is great wisdom in the Church for setting aside this time of Advent – this time of preparation for us. It’s too easy to get so caught up in the mechanics of everyday life and that of us become stressed or anxious about things that really don’t matter in the long run. There are too many things that distract us from the truth that our hope is in the Lord, (Psalm 121:2). These wonderful seasons of Advent and Christmas help us step out of our busy lives to prepare and to celebrate hope.

In today’s second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews 10:5-10, Paul says that Jesus came to take away the first in order to establish the second (v 9). What are these two things that Paul is telling us about? The first is the entire system of Jewish ritual worship, sacrifices and offerings. Why does Paul say that? He says it because those rituals are no longer necessary. Jesus has come to fulfill the Law. That’s what the Gospel according to Matthew tells. Jesus says he did not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). If Jesus has fulfilled the Law, then this system of ritual sacrifice is no longer necessary.

To continue these rituals is irrelevant because we cannot earn salvation through them. Only the one true sacrifice willingly offered to fulfill God’s will can save. Only through His blood can we be washed clean. So, Paul tell us, Jesus came to establish the second. “I come to do your will,” (v 7). He redeems creation and His sacrifice is our salvation. Death will no longer have any hold over us, (John 11:38-44; Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:55).

This is the joy that causes the unborn John the Baptist to leap when Elizabeth encounters Mary, (Luke 1:44). That is what causes Mary to sing out, “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,” (Luke 1:46). This is the great Joy that we look forward to on Christmas morning!

As our families gather to celebrate Christmas, may we remember that the happiness our gifts inspire and the love we feel should celebrate the great Joy of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Our Savior!

Homework! There is only one thing I ask of you in this final day before Christmas. With every hug you give, pray the Joy of Jesus Christ upon them!

Do you got it? Good! May each of you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. +Amen!

09 Gaudete Sunday

Advent wreath 2 purple and 1 rose candle lit

Mass Readings

Third Sunday of Advent 
Reading 1 – Zephaniah 3:14-18A 
Psalm – Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 
Reading 2 – Philippians 4:4-7  
Gospel – Luke 3:10-18 

Happy Gaudete Sunday!

Today is a day of great joy for the Christian community because we celebrate hope. That’s what the Good News is all about really – hope. The Church sets aside this Sunday as a break from all the preparation we’ve been doing in our lives – praying, paying careful attention to go to mass, to participate in the sacraments especially confession, and to focus on others and not ourselves. This Sunday reminds us that we are not doing all of those spiritual exercises because we are a dull, boring people. No! We are a people who hope for the promises God fulfilled in Christ Jesus who will come again! We are a people who are looking forward to a better tomorrow. So we light a pink candle today – a visual break in the color scheme of Advent – to remind us that we look forward with great hope.

Indeed, that’s what today’s readings are all about.

In our first reading, the prophet Zephaniah tells us to shout for joy (v)! We should not fear or be discouraged (v 14-15). Our Psalmist encourages us to, “Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel,” (v 6). And Paul encourages us to, “Rejoice in the Lord always,” (v 4).

John the Baptist tells us in today’s Gospel that Jesus will come to baptize us with fire (v 16). He will set this world on fire with love. So, we look forward with hope and joy, yes, but John the Baptist tells that we should express our hope and joy by helping the needy.

In “The Lord of the Rings,” the character Gollum covets and clings to his treasure. He’s been corrupted by the “One Ring” and will do anything to protect it. It’s easy to read that story or watch the movie, giggle and shake our heads at Gollum. It’s a fiction after all. But what do we as a culture say when we cry out things like, “It’s their own fault,” or “They should take care of themselves,” or “Using taxes to fund programs to help people is socialism.”

Being filled with Christian hope, being filled with the love of Jesus Christ is not an emotion. It’s a lifestyle. To be a disciple of Jesus is the real lifestyle makeover.
Fr Richard Rohr once said, “Christianity is a lifestyle – a way of being in the world that is simple, non-violent, shared and loving. However, we made it into an established “religion” (and all that goes with that) and avoided the lifestyle change itself. One could be warlike, greedy, racist, selfish, and vain in most of Christian history, and still believe that Jesus is one’s “personal Lord and Savior” . . . The world has no time for such silliness anymore. The suffering on Earth is too great.”

Homework: Hopefully you’ve had a chance to go to mass today. Even if you cannot receive the Eucharist for whatever reason, we can all avail ourselves of God’s grace by coming together as a community and be nourished by the Word of God proclaimed. Let’s reflect on the following two questions:

  1. Do I live a life of hope and joy? Or do I let any piece of negative news ruin my day?
  2. Do I share my hope with others by sharing the blessings I have received?

Hopefully that makes sense. So are you going to do your homework? Well good!
You can find a copy of today’s podcast and other helpful information on the website, www.deaconrudysnotes.org. The link will appear in the notes on your podcast player, but here’s the link just in case, here it is again: www.deaconrudysnotes.org.

May each of us come to experience the hope and the joy of Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. +Amen!

02 First Sunday of Advent

Joseph and Mary at Innkeeper's door: There's no room at the inn

Mass Readings

First Sunday of Advent

Reading 1 – Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm – Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14
Reading 2 – 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2
Gospel – Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Happy first Sunday of Advent!

We hear in the first reading today, “The days are coming, says the Lord…”, Jeremiah 33:14. Scholars tell us that Jeremiah preached over 600 years before Jesus was born, and yet this warning from Jeremiah is more relevant for the Christian today than perhaps at any other time in history. You see, those early Christian communities that began to form not long after the Resurrection believed that Jesus would return during their lifetime in all his glory as Jesus Himself described in today’s Gospel, Luke 21:25-28, and 34-36. After a little time passed, they began to realize that things will unfold in God’s time – not their time. So the focus gradually shifts away from the imminent coming of Jesus to living lives of discipleship in an unbelieving world.

I think an unintended consequence of this shift is that Christians might take for granted Jesus’ return. In fact, it almost becomes academic. Yes, Jesus will come at some point way out there in the future – just not today. That thinking makes us too vulnerable to the world around us. Don’t get me wrong, we all need to engage the world around us, but for the disciple, the world around us, especially consumerism, presents unique challenges. The focus of consumerism is on me and my things. Right? We convince ourselves we deserve that new gadget or new device or new car. The great tragedy is that we get so caught up in all that stuff that can never fulfill us that many of us fail to see Jesus trying to come to us right now.

Take the innkeeper in the Nativity story, for example. In that story, the whole Roman world is on the move to be counted in the census ordered by Caesar Augustus. To be counted, you had to go to your hometown. The problem was that Mary wasn’t just pregnant – she was very pregnant! Nonetheless, they made the journey, as Scripture says, from Nazareth to Bethlehem. By the time they arrived, they couldn’t find a place to stay. They knock on an innkeeper’s door who tells them there is no room at the inn, but he offers them a place in the stables.

Now let’s stop for a minute and look at this story from the eyes of the innkeeper. Here’s a guy just going about his business. By the time Joseph knocks on his door, I’m sure the innkeeper was exhausted. Remember, the whole Roman world is on the move. His place was packed. Maybe he was annoyed at the way some of his customers had behaved earlier. Maybe he lost business because he hadn’t ordered enough food and wine. Maybe he was frustrated because his son hadn’t taken out the trash. So here at the end of the day he’s looking forward to his warm, comfy bed when someone else knocks on his door. That knock on the door probably grated on him like fingernails scratching a chalkboard. You can almost hear him bark out as he answers the door, “No, of course we don’t have a room!”

Can you imagine just for a second what would have happened if that innkeeper had recognized the Messiah knocking on his door through other people – through Mary and Joseph? Why, I bet he would have pulled the Holy Family inside and perhaps even offered his own room so that Mary could bring Jesus into the world in a comfortable bed. That inn would have been the most celebrated in all history! Today there would probably be a huge church marking the spot and we would have known the name of our anonymous innkeeper. If only he’d recognized the opportunity.

I wonder how many times in my own life I might have missed the opportunity to see Jesus in the people around me, like in the eyes of that homeless guy that I tried not make eye contact with on my way to work. Or maybe, maybe he tries to come to us through the immigrants we might catch a glimpse of on a cable news program or through that person we know who leads an alternative lifestyle. Too often, I think, we’re quick to judge other people – to blame them for their own problems or the problems of our society – that we fail to recognize the possibility that Jesus might be trying to reach out to us through one of them.

Why does Jesus do that? Why does he come to us through other people? I believe that Jesus loves us so much that He constantly pursues us – He’s constantly knocking on our doors.
But here’s the trick. We have to open the door. Like that innkeeper, we have the power to decide whether or not to open or close the door. That’s what free will is all about. You see, God pursues us, but He will not force Himself on anybody. We have the freedom to act. And when we open the door, we invite God’s saving grace into our lives.

I think this season of Advent, this time of preparation that the Church sets aside for us, is an excellent opportunity to pause and to ask ourselves if we are open to the possibility of seeing Jesus coming to us this Christmas, perhaps through the people around us.

Homework! There are two things I think we can work on this week. Nourished by Christ in the Eucharist and in the Word proclaimed, let’s reflect on these two questions:

  • First, how do I treat other people? Can I see Jesus in the people I encounter?
  • Second, what is one thing I can do this Advent to prepare myself for Christ’s coming at Christmas? For example, could I go to mass every weekend? Could I receive the Eucharist? Could I go to confession?

I think by doing our homework we’ll be more aware of Jesus trying to reach us through other people, that we recognize the knock on our doors so that we might recognize the opportunity to have an encounter with Jesus Christ, an encounter that leads to transformation, transformation that leads to salvation.

Does that make sense? Are you going to do your homework? Good! May each of us this Advent season come to know the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. +Amen!