Third Sunday of Advent

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Mass Readings

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First Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Responsorial: Isaiah 12:2-6
Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel: Luke 3:10-18

Happy Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is Latin for “rejoice,” and we hear that a lot in today’s readings! Our rose-colored candle today because the Church invites us to celebrate! We celebrate and we rejoice because we are halfway to Christmas! Can you believe it? Rejoice because the Lord is near!

Today also happens to be the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We don’t celebrate it this year because it falls on a Sunday and the Sunday liturgies take priority. But there is something important about that story that is relevant for us today.

Five hundred years ago, the Church had been struggling in its missionary efforts throughout central and south America. So, our Lady appeared in Mexico to encourage in the faith. But she didn’t appear to the bishop. No! She appeared to a poor indigenous laborer. The bishop wanted proof.

Oh, how our Lady provided proof!

Mary presented St Juan Diego with roses to take to the bishop. Why was this a sign? First of all, it was December and there was frost on the ground. Second, the roses weren’t native plants. These roses came from the same part of Spain where the bishop was from. What an extraordinary sign!

Now, in today’s Gospel, John the Baptist who had been preaching in the region of the Jordan (Luke 3:3) didn’t ask the people around him – the people he had just called a brood of vipers – to produce an extraordinary sign. But he told them they needed to repent and to prove their conversion. Or to put it another way, their repentance needed to produce fruit. You see, repentance is not about saying, “I’m sorry.” Repentance is about radical change – a turning from our old way of life. When we repent, we turn away from the lifestyle that caused us to sin. And the fruits of that change are corporal works of mercy – sharing our blessings with others.

The people ask him, “What should we do?” (Luke 3:10)

John the Baptist tells the people that if they have two cloaks, they should give one away. Or whoever has food should give some of it away. (Luke 3:11) Tax collectors shouldn’t collect more than they should. (Luke 3:13) And soldiers shouldn’t extort people. (Luke 3:14)

Notice that it isn’t the occupation of the tax collector or soldier. John the Baptist doesn’t care what the job is, but how we conduct ourselves on the job. We can’t just say, “it’s business” to justify taking advantage of people.

Why these particular fruits?

Well, if I’m holding on to stuff I don’t use; if I’m hoarding more food or supplies than I could use in a year; if I’m taking advantage of people through my job, who’s the focus. The focus is on me. How often sin revolves around me. But repentance – changing my life means I’m willing to see someone else to offer them help.

Alright, let’s look at this from another angle. Isn’t mercy the other side of repentance? We repent and place ourselves at the mercy of God. But when we look out and forgive others or help others, we show them mercy. What is mercy?

Just this week my spiritual director reminded me about the definition of mercy. The Jesuit moral theologian Jim Keenan defines mercy as the willingness to enter into the chaos of another.

Doesn’t that sound like what’s happening in the Incarnation? God willingly enters into the chaos of our world – of our lives. Maybe you’re experiencing a little chaos because someone you loved just passed away. Maybe you’re experiencing a little chaos because you or someone you love received a bad diagnosis and they’re facing a difficult road ahead. Maybe you’re experiencing a little chaos because you’re a single parent or your parents of young children and it’s a struggle – balancing work, schoolwork, the shopping, and the cooking and the cleaning. And let’s face it, the kids have more energy than we do so we feel like we’re racing just to keep up. And by the way, how is it December? It was just September, wasn’t it?

Despite the chaos of our lives, Jesus willingly steps into our lives, not like some phantom. But to walk with us as a human – to be just like you and just like me in every way except sin. Jesus says to you and to me I’m willing to step into your chaos.

John the Baptist tells us we can’t just reach into our pockets and toss a little change into the Salvation Army bucket, you know with the people ringing their bells. Do they still do that? No, John the Baptist tells us we need to look the other person in the eyes – to see them as a human being and to say to them “I am willing to bring the chaos of my life and get involved in the chaos of your life.” Like those roses that Our Lady gave to St. Juan Diego 500 years ago, I need to break through the frost of this post-Christian world and to share the joyful hope of Jesus Christ with everyone I encounter because we’re all in this together.

That’s another beautiful lesson learned from Our Lady. I’m sorry if you missed the talk by Christy Wilkens about Lourdes this past Thursday. She’s the daughter of parishioners. The family donated a copy of her book Awakening at Lourdes. Just as soon as our library volunteers can get that into the card catalog, it will be available in our library to be checked out. But one of the lessons she learned is that it’s not that God won’t give you more than you can handle. But rather, it’s God will not give you and your community of friends and family more than you can handle.

What a beautiful lesson.

We’re not alone on this journey. We’re part of a community. So, my repentance means that God is willing to show me mercy – to get involved in my chaos. So too must I be willing to get involved in the chaos of the community by sharing what I have – by sharing my particular gifts of time, talent and treasure. I think that’s one of the lessons from today’s Gospel.

Homework! Nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist, I invite you to reflect on the following question.

John the Baptist tells us we need to share what we have with others and to not use our jobs to take advantage of other people. Ask yourself, “how do I joyfully put my time, my talents, and my money and possessions at the service of others?”

I think doing our homework will help us prepare to celebrate Christmas as intentional disciples. Do you got it? Do you get it? Good! Then go make disciples! May Almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

Image Credit: Unknown. JPEG file.


1. Gadenz, Pablo T. The Gospel of Luke. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018. Kindle.
2. Hamm, Dennis SJ. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2013. Kindle.

Catechism References:
1. Joy: 30, 163, 301, 736, 1829, 1832, 2015, 2362
2. Jesus the Savior, 430-5
3. John prepares the way for the Messiah: 523-4, 535
4. John the Baptist: 535, 696
5. Fruits of repentance: 1460
6. Works of mercy: 2447

Third Sunday of Advent
Lectionary: 92

Reading 1
Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Shout for joy, O daughter Zion!
Sing joyfully, O Israel!
Be glad and exult with all your heart,
O daughter Jerusalem!
The LORD has removed the judgment against you
he has turned away your enemies;
the King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst,
you have no further misfortune to fear.
On that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem:
Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged!
The LORD, your God, is in your midst,
a mighty savior;
he will rejoice over you with gladness,
and renew you in his love,
he will sing joyfully because of you,
as one sings at festivals.

Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6.
R. (6) Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
God indeed is my savior;
I am confident and unafraid.
My strength and my courage is the LORD,
and he has been my savior.
With joy you will draw water
at the fountain of salvation.
R. Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name;
among the nations make known his deeds,
proclaim how exalted is his name.
R. Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement;
let this be known throughout all the earth.
Shout with exultation, O city of Zion,
for great in your midst
is the Holy One of Israel!
R. Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.

Reading 2
Philippians 4:4-7
Brothers and sisters:
Rejoice in the Lord always.
I shall say it again: rejoice!
Your kindness should be known to all.
The Lord is near.
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
make your requests known to God.
Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 61:1 (cited in Lk 4:18)
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring glad tidings to the poor.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Luke 3:10-18
The crowds asked John the Baptist,
“What should we do?”
He said to them in reply,
“Whoever has two cloaks
should share with the person who has none.
And whoever has food should do likewise.”
Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him,
“Teacher, what should we do?”
He answered them,
“Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.”
Soldiers also asked him,
“And what is it that we should do?”
He told them,
“Do not practice extortion,
do not falsely accuse anyone,
and be satisfied with your wages.”

Now the people were filled with expectation,
and all were asking in their hearts
whether John might be the Christ.
John answered them all, saying,
“I am baptizing you with water,
but one mightier than I is coming.
I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
His winnowing fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor
and to gather the wheat into his barn,
but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”
Exhorting them in many other ways,
he preached good news to the people.

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Two one-way street signs pointing in different directions. One says my way and the other says God's way

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Mass Readings

First Reading: Isaiah 55:6-9
Responsorial: Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18
Second Reading: Philippians 1:20C-24, 27A
Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16A

The picture I selected for today is a set of one-way signs which I think reflect our first reading from Isaiah, “…nor like your ways are my ways,” (Isaiah 55:8). One sign points in a direction and reads, “God’s Way,” and the other points in a different direction and reads, “My Way.” This picture is interesting to me for many reasons, but what strikes me most is that the road leading up to this point had room enough for both God’s way and my way. But at this particular intersection, the path splits.

This tells me that people of faith inspired by the Word of God evident in Scriptures and Tradition can very often set out on the correct path. Our work and efforts seem to coincide with God’s will. But at some point on our journey, we take a left turn. Our path splits off from God’s path. But here’s the kicker: we may not realize we took a wrong turn.

How can that be? How can we veer off and not even realize it? While we mean well, somehow our self-righteousness blinds us. What we see God doing doesn’t compute. Take for example when Jesus allows the woman to anoint his feet with precious oil, (John 12:3). Or the time Jesus decided to eat with Zacchaeus – a tax collector and traitor to his people, (Luke 19:1-10). Or the time Jesus said to the crowd, “Let the Sinless One of you be the first to throw a stone at her,” (John 8:7). Or in today’s Gospel passage when the landowner pays a full wage to those who only worked one hour (Matthew 20:10).

The mercy and compassion God reveals to us through Jesus’ actions don’t match the way we might handle the situation. Let’s say we de-identified these Scripture passages and you read them, how would you react then? Would you think the merciful and generous person was a fool?

Even though we might mean well, our path veers away from God’s path because sin enters our thoughts and actions. Much like the laborers in today’s Gospel passage, we might think to ourselves, “it’s not fair!” Or worse yet, inspired by our self-righteousness, we might advocate for laws that discriminate or harm not because we want to be evil, but because we genuinely think we are right.

What are some examples of this today?

Well, take for example law breakers. We as a society have a right to enforce our laws. But how we do that as a Christian people is important. Our faith teaches that we should respect the dignity of the human person. So, we advocate for life over and against a culture of death. Yet, some people think it was a good idea in the United States to separate the children of illegal immigrants from their parents and to place them in what amounts to cages.

Should illegal immigrants be detained? Look, every nation has the right to define and to defend its borders and to implement policies to managing illegal immigrants. But to treat people inhumanly – that’s where our path veers off from God’s path.

Or take for example a government sponsored program to help senior citizens, like social security. For some, the scant money set aside from wages during the working years can mean the difference as a retiree between filling a prescription or buying meat for the week. But some people never miss an opportunity to speak out against programs like social security. Somewhere along the way, we veered off God’s most generous path.

Or take the subject of abortion. Rooted in the dignity of the human person, the Church will always advocate for life. But the Church will never turn it’s back on the person who had an abortion or the person who supports politicians who might support abortion. The Church stands not with a ruler, but outstretched arms ready to welcome, not to punish. No priest or bishop would interrupt someone in the confessional and say, “wait, you voted how? You’re not Catholic! Get out of here!” Yet, some people think they have the authority to excommunicate people and to post messages on social media platforms that those who cast “wrong” ballots can’t call themselves Catholic. Really? Who died and made them pope? Somewhere along the way, we took a wrong turn.

I know all these examples can be difficult to consider, but God reminds us in Isaiah, “…nor like your ways are my ways,” (Isaiah 55:8). Our task as disciples is not to beat people over their heads, but to reach out with God’s love and mercy and generosity. We are called not to spread fear and hatred, but to bring the Good News of Christ into a dark world that desperately needs to hear a message of hope!

Homework! Nourished by the Word and the Eucharist, the bishops of the United States offer us these questions:

  1. Because no one has hired us. Who in my community is ignored or forgotten? How can I take notice of those too easily disregarded?
  2. Are you envious because I am generous? When do I measure myself against others? How can I be more generous with my time and resources?

Do you got it? Do you get it? Good! Now go make disciples! May Almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! +Amen!

Image Credit: Artist unknown. PNG file.

1. Hamm, Dennis, SJ. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academics, 2013. Kindle.
2. Mitch, Curtis and Edward Sri. The Gospel of Matthew. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2010. Kindle.
3. The Bible: A Study Bible freshly translated by Nicholas King. Buxhall, Suffolk UK: Kevin Mayhew, 2013.
4. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lectio Divina of the Gospels: For the Liturgical Year 2019-2020. Washington, D.C.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2019.

Catechism References
1. God’s people: Jews and Gentiles, 62-64, 781
2. God of mercy and piety, 210-211
3. Jesus identifies his compassion to sinners with God’s, 588-589
4. Christian death, 1010-14
5. Life in Christ, 1691-98
6. Justice, 1807
7. Fair wages, 2434

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 133

Reading 1
Isaiah 55:6-9
Seek the LORD while he may be found,
call him while he is near.
Let the scoundrel forsake his way,
and the wicked his thoughts;
let him turn to the LORD for mercy;
to our God, who is generous in forgiving.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.
As high as the heavens are above the earth,
so high are my ways above your ways
and my thoughts above your thoughts.

Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18
R. (18a) The Lord is near to all who call upon him.
Every day will I bless you,
and I will praise your name forever and ever.
Great is the LORD and highly to be praised;
his greatness is unsearchable.
R. The Lord is near to all who call upon him.
The LORD is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of great kindness.
The LORD is good to all
and compassionate toward all his works.
R. The Lord is near to all who call upon him.
The LORD is just in all his ways
and holy in all his works.
The LORD is near to all who call upon him,
to all who call upon him in truth.
R. The Lord is near to all who call upon him.

Reading 2
Philippians 1:20C-24, 27A
Brothers and sisters:
Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
For to me life is Christ, and death is gain.
If I go on living in the flesh,
that means fruitful labor for me.
And I do not know which I shall choose.
I am caught between the two.
I long to depart this life and be with Christ,
for that is far better.
Yet that I remain in the flesh
is more necessary for your benefit.
Only, conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Acts 16:14B
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Open our hearts, O Lord,
to listen to the words of your Son.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Matthew 20:1-16A
Jesus told his disciples this parable:
“The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner
who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.
After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage,
he sent them into his vineyard.
Going out about nine o’clock,
the landowner saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
and he said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard,
and I will give you what is just.’
So they went off.
And he went out again around noon,
and around three o’clock, and did likewise.
Going out about five o’clock,
the landowner found others standing around, and said to them,
‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’
They answered, ‘Because no one has hired us.’
He said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard.’
When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman,
‘Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
beginning with the last and ending with the first.’
When those who had started about five o’clock came,
each received the usual daily wage.
So when the first came, they thought that they would receive more,
but each of them also got the usual wage.
And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying,
‘These last ones worked only one hour,
and you have made them equal to us,
who bore the day’s burden and the heat.’
He said to one of them in reply,
‘My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?’
Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Image with words I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Jesus

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Mass Readings

First Reading: Sirach 27:30 – 28:7
Responsorial: Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12
Second Reading: Romans 14:7-9
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

Trusting in Divine Providence, Holy Mother Church curated the readings we hear this weekend, and these readings couldn’t come at a better time. I realize the elections are far from over, but it isn’t too early to start talking about peace and reconciliation. It’s not healthy to hold on to grudges – not for ourselves as individuals and not for our democracy. Writing two thousand years ago, Sirach tries to tell us about the healing power of forgiveness. Why indeed would we hold on to those things that harm us? (Sirach, 27:30).

Well, that’s not how we want to be treated, is it? No, of course not! Look at the story Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel about the servant who begged for mercy. He was in over his head and there was no way out of his debts. All he could do was beg for mercy, and his master, who was moved with compassion, granted him mercy (Matthew 18:27). But when it comes to other people – watch out!

That’s the next part of the Gospel story. The same servant who was shown mercy demanded repayment of a much smaller debt. What happened next? “Then his lord summoned him and said to him, “Wicked servant: I let you off all that debt, since you begged me. Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?” (Matthew 18:32-33).

And then what happened? The servant who would not forgive – now called wicked – was handed over to be tortured, and Jesus warned the same would be true with his Father (Matthew 18:34-35).

In Matthew 7:12, Jesus tells us to do unto others. What if the torture the Father intends for us is that we are treated the way we have treated other people – including the way we have held grudges or gossiped or spread rumors? Whatever the punishment, clearly the point from the Scriptures is that holding on to anger, the pain, the hurt will harm us. Even modern science and psychology warn us that our physical and mental health can be negatively affected if we hold on instead of forgiving.

Why do we want to hold on to the things that harm us?

Perhaps it’s because our pride takes over? We’re right. We know we’re right. We can prove we’re right. It’s irrational that the other person won’t admit it, but we sure aren’t going to give in because we are right. As the authors of Facing Forgiveness suggest, “Perhaps the lack of self-forgiveness is a repetition of the original sin of pride in the Garde of Eden” (44).
“But, Deacon, I’m right!”

Did you know that J.R.R. Tolkien’s family was torn apart by the decision to make The Lord of the Rings into a movie? Christopher Tolkien, the son of J.R.R. Tolkien, was thoroughly against the Peter Jackson’s production. His son, Simon, supported the production. The rift between them was so great that Christopher disowned his son Simon and his family, turning his back on his grandson! (Facing Forgiveness, 65). Can you imagine sticking to your point of view so vehemently that you lose time with your own family? Thankfully before Christopher’s death this past January, he and Simon were reconciled, but at what cost? Time that they’ll never get back.

Even if we’re right and the other person is unreasonable, is it worth damaging our relationships with our family and friends or adding to our stress level just to prove a point?

Is it pride that makes us stubbornly hold on? Perhaps that’s what St. Paul means when he says that we need to die to ourselves? (Romans 14:7). At some point, whether we’re right or wrong, we need to let go – forgive and move on. After the elections are over, may we all remember that Jesus calls us to forgive and be reconciled.

Homework! Strengthened by the Word of God and the Eucharist to overcome our past hurts, I encourage you to reflect on the following three questions this week:

  1. Have I forgiven my self for anything I’ve done contrary to my values?
  2. Are there members of my own family from whom I am alienated? Am I willing to take the first step toward forgiveness?
  3. Who are my models of forgiveness?

I think doing our homework will help us become healed so that we can go out into the world as disciples of Christ Jesus. Do you got it? Do you get it? Good! Now go make disciples! May Almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! +Amen!

Image Credit: Artist unknown. PNG file.

1. Hahn, Scott W. and Curtis Mitch. Romans. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academics, 2017. Kindle.
2. Mitch, Curtis and Edward Sri. The Gospel of Matthew. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2010. Kindle.
3. Sofield, S.T., Loughlan, Carroll Juliano, S.H.C.J., and Bishop Gregory m. Aymond. Facing Forgiveness. Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press, 2007.
4. The Bible: A Study Bible freshly translated by Nicholas King. Buxhall, Suffolk UK: Kevin Mayhew, 2013.

Catechism References
1. God of mercy and piety, 210-11
2. Jesus identifies his compassion to sinners with God’s, 588-589
3. Christ our judge, 678-79
4. Las judgment, 1038-41
5. Forgiveness, 2843, 2845

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 130

Reading 1
Sirach 27:30—28:7
Wrath and anger are hateful things,
yet the sinner hugs them tight.
The vengeful will suffer the LORD’s vengeance,
for he remembers their sins in detail.
Forgive your neighbor’s injustice;
then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.
Could anyone nourish anger against another
and expect healing from the LORD?
Could anyone refuse mercy to another like himself,
can he seek pardon for his own sins?
If one who is but flesh cherishes wrath,
who will forgive his sins?
Remember your last days, set enmity aside;
remember death and decay, and cease from sin!
Think of the commandments, hate not your neighbor;
remember the Most High’s covenant, and overlook faults.

Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12
R. (8) The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion.
Bless the LORD, O my soul;
and all my being, bless his holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits.
R. The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion.
He pardons all your iniquities,
heals all your ills.
He redeems your life from destruction,
crowns you with kindness and compassion.
R. The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion.
He will not always chide,
nor does he keep his wrath forever.
Not according to our sins does he deal with us,
nor does he requite us according to our crimes.
R. The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion.
For as the heavens are high above the earth,
so surpassing is his kindness toward those who fear him.
As far as the east is from the west,
so far has he put our transgressions from us.
R. The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion.

Reading 2
Romans 14:7-9
Brothers and sisters:
None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself.
For if we live, we live for the Lord,
and if we die, we die for the Lord;
so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.
For this is why Christ died and came to life,
that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.

John 13:34
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
I give you a new commandment, says the Lord:
love one another as I have loved you.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Matthew 18:21-35
Peter approached Jesus and asked him,
“Lord, if my brother sins against me,
how often must I forgive?
As many as seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.
That is why the kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king
who decided to settle accounts with his servants.
When he began the accounting,
a debtor was brought before him who owed him a huge amount.
Since he had no way of paying it back,
his master ordered him to be sold,
along with his wife, his children, and all his property,
in payment of the debt.
At that, the servant fell down, did him homage, and said,
‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back in full.’
Moved with compassion the master of that servant
let him go and forgave him the loan.
When that servant had left, he found one of his fellow servants
who owed him a much smaller amount.
He seized him and started to choke him, demanding,
‘Pay back what you owe.’
Falling to his knees, his fellow servant begged him,
‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.’
But he refused.
Instead, he had the fellow servant put in prison
until he paid back the debt.
Now when his fellow servants saw what had happened,
they were deeply disturbed, and went to their master
and reported the whole affair.
His master summoned him and said to him, ‘You wicked servant!
I forgave you your entire debt because you begged me to.
Should you not have had pity on your fellow servant,
as I had pity on you?’
Then in anger his master handed him over to the torturers
until he should pay back the whole debt.
So will my heavenly Father do to you,
unless each of you forgives your brother from your heart.”