
Mass Readings for the Day

First Reading: Acts 2:1-11
Psalm: Psalm 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3B-7, 12-13
Gospel: John 20:19-23

Today we live in a world dominated by social media, and yet we are less social that ever! We are more divided, more entrenched in our points of view and much less tolerant of opinions with which we don’t agree. And yet, we don’t seem to be on a firm footing, do we? Many people seem unsettled as they race to keep pace with their hectic lives. And most troubling of all, I think, many people feel absolutely alone. “No one knows what I’m going through,” they say to themselves. “No one can understand.” Does this sound familiar?

My brothers and sisters, I have good news! Jesus tells us, “peace,” and he sent the Holy Spirit to walk with us. Pope Francis tells us that the Spirit brings order to our frenzy.

What a beautiful idea!

In contrast to the chaos of the crucifixion, Jesus doesn’t demand revenge. No! He tells us, “Peace!” Then he sends the Church on a mission. Go into the world offering forgiveness of sins. Those sins forgiven are forgiven. Those sins bound are bound. So, the Church today continues to mediate God’s message of mercy and hope in the world today. This great feast which marks the beginning of the Church, who mediates Christ’s mercy to the world.

But why should I confess my sins to a man? Set aside for a moment that our understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is rooted in this scripture passage. There is something cathartic in admitting our sins openly – first to ourselves and then to God. It is not the man in the confessional – but God himself to whom we ask forgiveness.

If there is one thing we’ve learned over the last century, especially in light of so much human suffering, we cannot do it alone. Despite our desperate desire for the super-human we see depicted on the big screen, it is not the modern human or some alien hybrid who is the ultimate image of humanity. It is Jesus, risen from the dead and who now sits at the right hand of the Father, who is the example of what it means to be fully human. And it is the Holy Spirit that can guide us on our journey.

But our journey is not a solitary affair. As disciples who are on a mission to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ into the world, we share the message of hope and mercy of Jesus mediated through his church. It is our mission to reach out to others, beginning with those closest to us, our families and our friends, and then to those we encounter in everyday life and finally to those on the margins. Why keep this message of mercy to ourselves when so many of our friends and family are obsesses with social media? How many of people do we see who seem obsessed with posting selfies of themselves. How many of us cringe when we see our nieces and nephews or even our own children post pictures that give us pause or worse who we think are posting pictures so thinking they will be better received by their peers?

My brothers and sisters, we are the church! It is up to us to share the message of peace, the message of forgiveness, the message of hope and the message of love with others! The message of Pentecost is a reminder to us of the gifts given to us at our baptism and confirmation. We must pray for the grace to stir the flame of the Spirit within us so that we can go out into a world that desperately needs to hear a message of mercy, hope and peace.

Homework! I ask you to reflect on the following two questions this week.

  1. How do I live the action of the Holy Spirit in my life in a visible way?
  2. How do I let the Holy Spirit strengthen me and help me to devote myself to His works?

Do you got it? Do you get it? Good! May Almighty God bless you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. +Amen!